What is the purpose of the BMM certification?

The certification BMM Certified Trademark Attorney (BMM Erkend Merkengemachtigde) is a certification for professional qualities of IP professionals. It has been established by the BMM (Benelux association for Trademark- and Designlaw).

The BMM certification can only be carried by members which are mentioned in the register of certified trademark attorneys (REM). To become mentioned in the register, members need to comply to the conditions of Regeling Vakbekwaamheid BMM-erkend Gemachtigde. Also see the Reglement op het gebruik en toezicht van het BMM Keurmerk

Apart from this, the members need to comply with the demands for permanent education.

The BMM certification informs consumers and companies that the trademark attorney which is certified, has all the necessary knowledge, education and experience to be able to advise and act on a professional level in searches and registration of trademarks and designs.

A certified attorney is allowed to carry the below certification marks and may call himself/herself  "certified BMM attorney". More information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions.

A brochure is also available: "Uw merk goed beschermd!"